A White Rolls Royce Parked In A Street
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Ho’oponopono: The Rolls-Royce of Personal Growth and Healing

Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, is like the Rolls-Royce of personal growth and healing.

Just like the Rolls-Royce, Ho’oponopono has been passed down through generations, It has been updated by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a renowned Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au, or traditional healer, in the 1980s to become the modernized version called SITH (Self Identity Through Ho’oponopono).

Morrnah Simeona updated the practice to make it more accessible and relevant to contemporary people.

SITH is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing that can help individuals release negative memories, emotions, and limiting beliefs. It can also help to improve relationships with oneself, others, and the apparent world around us.

The practice of SITH emphasizes the concept of “self-identity” through the use of specific affirmations and mantras to help individuals take full responsibility for their thoughts, actions, and emotions.

The method was further developed by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a student of Morrnah Simeona, who used it to help heal individuals with severe mental and emotional problems. Dr. Hew Len’s work with SITH has been known for its effectiveness in treating criminal offenders, psychotics and other difficult cases with exceptional results.

Just like the Rolls-Royce, the SITH method is the result of patient attention to detail. This practice is like the Rolls-Royce engine that is run for seven hours at full throttle before installation and each individual’s mind and emotions are test driven for hundreds of miles before they can experience the full benefits of the practice.

The SITH method is designed as an owner-driven personal growth and healing experience, just like the Rolls-Royce is designed as an owner-driven car.

The SITH method, like the Rolls-Royce, has power steering, power brakes and automatic gear-shift. It is very easy to apply and to practice.

No therapist or coach required. The finished individual, who has been practising SITH, spends a lifetime in the final test-shop, fine tuning themselves, their ancestors, and those with whom they have contact.

Here the individual’s mind and emotions are subjected to at least 98 separate ordeals, just like the 98 separate ordeals that the Rolls-Royce is subjected to in the final test-shop. For example, the individual uses SITH to listen to the inner voice and release negative memories and emotions.

The SITH method is guaranteed for a lifetime. With a new network of practitioners and resources from coast to coast, self-evolution is no problem.

The SITH method, like the Rolls-Royce radiator, has never changed, except that when Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona passed away, the method became even more widely available and accessible to the world.

The SITH method, like the coachwork of the Rolls-Royce, is given multiple layers of personal reflection, and self-awareness between each layer, before the final coat of inner peace and healing is achieved.

By moving a switch in the mind, you can adjust the inner state to suit different situations and emotions.

A picnic table of self-reflection, veneered in self-awareness, slides out from under the dash. Two more swing out behind the front seats of the mind.

You can get such optional extras as an Espresso coffee-making machine for the soul, a dictating machine for the inner voice, a bed for the emotions, hot and cold water for washing, an electric razor for negative thoughts or a telephone for inner guidance.

There are three separate systems of power brakes for the mind, two hydraulic and one mechanical. Damage to one will not affect the others.

The SITH method is a very safe personal growth and healing process- and also a very lively one. It cruises serenely at the speed of inner peace and growth. Top speed is in excess of 100 m.p.h. in terms of personal evolution.

Just like the Bentley is made by Rolls-Royce, the SITH method is made by Ho’oponopono. Except for the radiators, they are identical personal growth and healing processes, manufactured by the same experts in the same tradition.

People who feel diffident about practicing SITH can try Ho’oponopono, but for the ultimate experience, SITH is the way to go.

Don’t wait any longer. Take the first step towards inner peace and healing with Ho’oponopono and the patient attention to detail of SITH.

Experience the Rolls-Royce of personal growth and healing.

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