A person diving in the blue water of Hawaii
Cleaning Methods,  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

The Power of Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water in Ho’oponopono

Welcome to the mystical world of Ho’oponopono, where the power of thoughts and intentions can transform our lives. In this post, we will explore the fascinating concept of Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water within the Ho’oponopono practice, as taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Let’s delve into the wonders of water and how we can harness its healing properties.

Water is the source of all life and a symbol of interconnectedness. By expressing our gratitude and love through positive thoughts and intentions, we can directly impact the structure of water.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on how our intentions can alter liquid structures and energies is a testament to this idea.

Dr. Emoto’s groundbreaking double-blind study revealed that water samples exposed to positive intentions had more aesthetically pleasing ice crystals than those in the control group. This discovery confirms the benefit of the solarization process in Ho’oponopono.

In ho’oponopono water is intentionally changed through a process of solarization.

An antique blue water bottle on a beach
Always clean antique bottles by washing them in salt water. Then fill them with the mixture and leave in the sun for 24 hours.

Solarization involves placing water in cobalt blue bottles and exposing it to sunlight for at least an hour. This Blue Solar Water can also be charged under a tungsten light bulb.

The colour blue holds powerful symbolism and benefits:

  1. Associated with the sky, ocean, freedom, creativity, expansiveness, inspiration, and sensitivity
  2. Represents trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, self-belief, stability, faith, and intelligence
  3. Invokes relaxation and focus, calming the mind and body
  4. Helps slow down metabolism, promoting balance and self-expression
  5. Reduces the urge to overeat

In Ho’oponopono, the term “Ice Blue” is a potent invocation for self-healing. Combining the cooling properties of ice with the spiritual and emotional benefits of the colour blue creates a powerful symbol for transformation.

To create Blue Solar Water, you can obtain cobalt blue bottles from Amazon, eBay, or repurpose empty wine or spirit bottles. Remember to avoid bottles with metal fittings or decorative painted patterns, as they may have unintended consequences.

Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water play a significant role in the Ho’oponopono practice. By harnessing the power of water, thoughts, and intentions, we can tap into the profound healing and transformative properties of this ancient Hawaiian discipline.

Embrace the power of Ice Blue and Blue Solar Water on your journey to self-discovery and healing, and may you find infinite health and love.

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One Comment

  • Faye Reeves-

    I have shared about Blue water, as well as a few bottles.
    It is so fun that the children like drinking the water. I think I have noticed a few health benefits.

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