A simulation of a fairy in a natural background.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono,  Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

The Enchanting World of Fairies and Ho’oponopono: A Tale of Connection and Understanding

Years ago, in 1918, two young girls named Elsie and Frances Griffiths captured the world’s attention with photographs of what appeared to be fairies in their garden. Although the Cottingley Fairies were later revealed to be a hoax, the fascination with fairies, or devas, continues to this day.

One of the 'pranksters' with a fairy.

Dorothy Maclean, a founding member of the Findhorn Community in Scotland, claimed she could communicate with the devic realm. This connection with nature spirits helped the Findhorn garden flourish, producing gigantic cabbages and thriving fruit trees. Through her connection, she received messages from archangelic devas about humanity’s potential beyond gardens.

Similarly, the Hawaiian healer Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona was said to have the ability to communicate with angelic realms. It is believed that all children might possess this gift, but often lose it as they grow up due to societal pressure and skepticism.

In ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice, every object is believed to have an over-arching thought form or archetype, as described by psychologist Carl Jung. These archetypes are part of the collective unconscious and belong to the realm of the Superconscious in ho’oponopono.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a practitioner of ho’oponopono, once shared a story about fairies creating a disturbance after a tree they inhabited was cut down. A similar event occurred at Findhorn when the devas were angered because their permission was not sought before cultivating a piece of land. 

The Ice Queen
Pure Cold Angelic Anger

Dr. Hew Len and Morrnah Simeona were known to perceive more from their environments than the average person, and some even claimed they had psychic abilities. While Dr. Hew Len discouraged the pursuit of psychic realms, he acknowledged their existence and the importance of being aware of these different dimensions in reality.

When practicing ho’oponopono, one can connect with the world around them, including objects like cars, rooms, and furniture. This connection can help reduce safety problems when traveling or visiting others.

In the enchanting world of fairies, devas, and ho’oponopono, we learn that there is more to reality than meets the eye. By acknowledging and respecting the Divinity within all things, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. So, take a step into the magical realm of ho’oponopono and embrace the connections that lie beyond the ordinary.

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