A sports car and a private aircraft
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Dr. Joe Vitale,  Ho'oponopono

Ho’oponopono and The Law of Attraction

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the tutor in ho’oponopono to Dr. Joe Vitale once said:

‘The only task in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identities our Minds back to their original state of void or zero.’

Dr. Hew Len was definite about this. At the time, Dr. Vitale was both clear, and amazed by this revelation.

Prior to learning about ho’oponopono, Dr. Vitale wrote a number of books on marketing, and also on The Law of Attraction. His first work on the latter theme as originally titled ‘Spiritual Marketing’. Later it was expanded and it was retitled ‘The Attractor Factor‘.

I make a brief appearance in the book on pages 21-22 of its hardback edition.

In his popular ho’oponopono book ‘Zero Limits‘ Joe asks: ‘ What about all of my books that are already sold and out there?

Dr. Hew Len explains, ‘Those books aren’t out there. They are still in you. There is no ‘out there’.

What does this mean?

Quite simply, that Divinity dreams you up from moment to moment. The degree to which you experience yourself as a ‘real’ person, who lives in the ‘here and now of a concrete world’, might be a measure of those subconscious memories obscuring your conscious awareness of your true nature.

So, now we must come to the question, what’s the difference between this and The Law of Attraction?

The answer must be that those who follow The Law of Attraction attempt to program their thoughts and future lives, through their thoughts and actions.

Whereas, those devoted to Creative Divinity (who practice ho’oponopono) make no attempt to limit their futures by repeating, or augmenting, past memories.

Indeed, they are attempting to erase them.

Joe Vitale’s more recent books (an e-mails) seem to have returned us to the theme of making money.

We would all like to make more money, and certainly we would like to make enough to comfortably live.

Yet, this cannot be our goal in life because (survival is a very low level of existence and) making money for its own sake never a means of becoming awakened.

That said, Dr. Vitale has probably introduced more people to the worlds of The Law of Attraction, and also ho’oponopono than anyone else alive.

We all must start somewhere, and if our entry point is simply wanting more comfort or health, then that’s as good a place as any.

As the late scholar Alan Watts said: ‘The actual trouble is that profit is identified entirely with money, as distinct from the real profit of living with dignity and elegance in beautiful surroundings.” ~ Does it Matter? “Before you were born there was this same nothing-at-all-forever. And yet… you happened. And if you happened once, you can happen again.’

This is the essence of ho’oponopono. Unless we delete the Karmic Memories from our subconscious inner children, we are bound to repeat the same errors, lifetimes upon lifetimes.

Advanced Ho'oponopono Certificate
My sole qualifications in ho’oponopono were granted by Dr. Joe Vitale.

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