A mother's relationship with her child
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,  Ho'oponopono

How To Be A Good Friend To Your Inner Child

Discover the Magic of Ho’oponopono:
Your Inner Child Holds the Key!

Imagine a world where you can transform your life with the power of your mind. Welcome to the enchanting world of Ho’oponopono! SITH ho’oponopono popularised by Hawaiian healers Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ho’oponopono is a captivating way to tap into your inner child and create a brighter future.

Picture a triangle inside a rectangle. The Hawaiians used this symbol to represent the human psyche. The rectangle stands for Divine Creativity, while the triangle symbolizes a person. This triangle is divided into three sections: Divinity at the top, the superconscious just below, and the subconscious mind (your inner child) at the bottom.

An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
An Hawaiian symbol for a person as described by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona.

Your inner child is like a little superhero. It’s hardworking, loyal, and stores all your memories and patterns. It’s like a treasure chest filled with valuable gems and secrets. But remember, your inner child is sensitive, just like a real toddler. So, be gentle and loving when dealing with this powerful part of you.

To understand the magic of your inner child, let’s explore a relatable example. Meet Lucy, a 12-year-old girl who loves to draw. She creates beautiful art and dreams of becoming a famous artist one day. But one day, Lucy’s teacher tells her that she’ll never make it as an artist. Lucy’s inner child feels hurt, and her confidence is shaken.

Years later, Lucy is an adult, but her inner child still remembers the teacher’s hurtful words. Whenever she tries to pursue her art, her inner child reminds her of that painful experience. Lucy starts to doubt herself and gives up on her dreams.

But then, Lucy discovers Ho’oponopono. She learns to communicate with her inner child and heals her past wounds. Lucy forgives her teacher, and her inner child learns to believe in her dreams again. With newfound confidence, Lucy pursues her art and eventually becomes a successful artist!

This heartwarming tale of Lucy demonstrates the power of Ho’oponopono and the importance of understanding your inner child. Your inner child is with you for life, so why not make friends with it?

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len used deep relaxation techniques to help people connect with their inner children. You can watch him in action by checking out the video below.

The next time you feel stuck or need a boost of inspiration, remember your inner child. Just like Lucy, you too can create a magical life with the help of Ho’oponopono. After all, as the famous song “Puff the Magic Dragon” suggests, we all have a bit of Jackie Paper in us—eager to embrace the wonders of our imagination.

So go ahead, explore the enchanting world of Ho’oponopono, and unlock the limitless potential of your inner child!

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